Audra Gage Before and After

  What inspired you to begin your lifestyle transformation? I began my lifestyle transformation because I was tired of not having any energy and being unhappy in the way I looked and felt.  Since my kids are almost grown, I decided that it was my time to get healthy and start enjoying my life to the fullest and get my “mojo” back! How did Inspirational Life  help you achieve your … [Read more...]

Maureen Gallone Before and During

Stress – Eat – Put on weight – Stress more – eat more – put on more weight is how I lived my life for the past several years.  About two years ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and elevated blood counts.  I was seen by 10 different doctors over the next year.  Each one told me they could not find anything wrong with me.  My elevated blood counts were “probably stress related.”  Finally in … [Read more...]

Jen Talley Before and After

I turned 40 last Summer, and that was a big eye opener for me. Then I had sinus surgery in November. And I come from a family with a history of heart disease. With all of that in mind, I knew it was time to make a change. I thought, I’m not getting any younger, and I have big plans to live a long, healthy life! I have to make a change because whatever I’m doing now isn’t working. That’s when I … [Read more...]

Jim Mastrolacasa Before and After

Inspirational Life taught me how to eat correctly with regular grocery store foods.  There wasn't any crazy super low calorie diets or eliminating food groups or spending a ton of money on any special "diet foods."  Brian and Cathie  taught me how to train effectively  and I'm now stronger and can do things I never did before that I thought I never could do.  It gives me a goal to be a better … [Read more...]