Take a moment and remember what it feels like when you had to speak in front of an audience, the first day at a new job or even the first date with someone you may like. Are you starting to feel that feeling, the feeling of the unknown? A little scary and nerve racking, right.
I live there and so should you!
What I mean by that is, if you don’t have the anxiety of the unknown you are not reaching for greatness or getting what you truly want or deserve from life.
Fear is not a comfortable feeling, but we must learn to like it. We must step outside of our box and experience the unknown questions and answers of what you should and will be.
We are blessed with one life. A life that we were put here to be special. How do you see yourself? Did you ever take a quiet moment and envision, you. Wow, what a powerful and fearful vision. I know who I want to be and you should too.
Now that you know who you want to be, what is stopping you? It’s fear, right? But which one? Life has two kinds, fear of failure or fear of success. You are probably saying, of course it’s failure.
Well you are wrong! We don’t fear failure, if we did, then why do we continue to fail? We diet, we gain it back, we start working out we quit, we set a goal we stop going after it.
We don’t fear failure, we fear SUCCESS!
The day I discovered my fear and faced it, was the day my life changed. I found out it was not failure that I was scared of, it was success. I feared that I actually may have something special to offer this world and how could I live up to that. I feared the ups and downs, the success and minor setbacks to dig deep and continue to work towards my goals. I feared if I did get to the top, how would I be able to sustain that standard of excellence?
See it’s the journey we fear. We all have failed many times so there is no fear there. It’s just the unknown of the journey that scares the LIFE out of us.
I am telling you now, face the fears of your journey. If you do, you will be amazed how wonderful that journey will be.
In closing, we all will one day have a DASH. What will yours say?
Brian Hoover 1970 – 20?It’s not the numbers people talk about, it’s that dash.
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